Dec 19, 2023Liked by Stephen Altschuler

You’re back! Thattaman, dear Stephen!

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Hate to pour it on, but Trump's first wife revealed today that he used to keep copies of Hitler's speeches by his night table. You'll remember that Hitler was convicted and imprisoned before he was elected Chancellor of Germany. And now the youth vote is swinging to Trump as well. So, what you say is true, but we haven't seen anything like Trump before. I used to work in a prison, and Trump has the kind of criminal, near psychotic mind I used to see there. But maybe the law will catch up to him this time. For all of our sakes, I hope so.

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Damn right! Still here and ain't goin' nowhere as long as the Trump pandemic persists. Thanks, FishLady.

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Wow! The picture you paint is a dire one and should be with the orange headed bimbocrat at the forefront. But there is some good news. Guilani having to pay millions. Trump possibly being convicted in multiple courts of multiple crimes. And the possibility of his name not being on a few states ballots. And I like that you are using music to temper the savage beast within. Happy Holidays my friend!

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